Chapter 6 Explorations:
Natural Breathing
From: The Alexander technique.
Twelve fundamentals of integrated movement,
by Penelope Easten
Work chapter by chapter through all the explorations of Penelope's book: The Alexander technique. Twelve fundamentals of integrated movement.
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"You so embody what you teach and for me you are an inspiration - your work is definitely the missing link," Carolyn Butt, AT teacher
Penelope guides you deeper into the material in real time, to build and embody your learning
In chapter 6 we first discover how to observe and then let go of poor patterns of breathing.
Natural breathing is effortless, yet gives support to the whole body on every part of the breath cycle.
Learn to take this breathing deep into your core. You may discover parts of your body you never sensed before!
By allowing the natural movements of breathing new muscles come into play, that widen and lengthen the whole frame. You will discover new muscle patterns that balance and strengthen your body.
This work is deeply embodying and deeply calming.
You are guided out of common breathing traps such as straining or fixing on the in-breath or collapsing on the out-breath.
Find the innate mechanisms that will take you into easy walking and even get you bouncing!
Bonus: Four longer audio tracks provide meditative guides that you can use daily to relax, rebalance and recharge. Fantastic for insomniacs!
Penelope guides you through the explorations in real time, as if she is in the room with you
Go deeper into the material covered in the book
Bonus - longer audio tracks to use daily
Trouble shoot breathing issues
Understand whole body natural breathing as never before
Why does this series start at chapter 3 and miss out chapter 5?
Because Chapter 3 is the first of the chapters with explorations. So there are no chapters 1 and 2 in this series as they introduce the book and its concepts. Chapter 5 is also text only with no explorations and so is not included.
"Penelope really practices what she preaches. She teaches us how to work on ourselves and is totally authentic." Jill Payne, AT teacher
Alexander teachers, trainees and students,
yoga, Pilates or movement teachers and students,
sports or fitness enthusiasts and coaches,
tai chi and martial artists,
runners, swimmers and athletes,
riders, golfers, rowers and skiers,
somatic therapists, massage therapists or physios,
musicians, singers and their teachers,
actors, dancers and performers and
anyone who wants optimal movement patterns.
Learn the fundamentals underlying all movement
Improve coordination, mobility, strength and freedom simultaneously
Using the intelligence of your whole brain and body to aid your chosen activity
Develop greater consciousness of your movement patterns and how to improve them, even on 'bad' days
Benefit yourself and then your clients and students
Anyone can improve their quality of movement, strength, ease and poise
Exploration 6.1. Observing the breath
Exploration 6.2. Exploring false ways of expanding the lungs
Exploration 6.3 Noisy breathing and mouth breathing
Exploration 6.4. Stopping or straining the breath.
Exploration 6.5. Restoring the action of the diaphragm and floating ribs.
Exploration 6.5. Restoring the action of the diaphragm and floating ribs. Audio track
Exploration 6.6 part 1 – letting the diaphragm initiate the breath, and the ribs ride on the breath.
Exploration 6.6 part 1 – letting the diaphragm initiate the breath, and the ribs ride on the breath. Audio track
Exploration 6.6 part 2. Expanding the whole torso on every breath.
Exploration 6.6 part 2. Expanding the whole torso on every breath. Audio track
Exploration 6.7. The three types of muscle contractions
Exploration 6.8. Letting go of face or throat tension while breathing
Exploration 6.9. Tone and support from the ribs on the out-breath
Exploration 6.10. Going up on the out breath
Exploration 6.11. Allow the movement of the pelvic floor. Bonus: four ways to get in touch with the pelvic floor.
Exploration 6.12. Breathing in pelvic floor and legs
Exploration 6.12 Bonus: Deepening into the pelvic floor and legs
Exploration 6.13. Support for the lower body – finding the psoas muscle.
Exploration 6.13. Support for the lower body – finding the psoas muscle. Audio track
Exploration 6.14. Walking using the fundamentals
Exploration 6.15. Stopping without losing tone
Exploration 6.16. Starting to bounce
Penelope Easten
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