AlexTech Fitness Course
10 sessions, each 90 minutes, every two weeks
Wednesdays 5.30 - 7pm UK time
This Alextech fitness course is focused on building muscle and bone mass to combat aging.
We all need it!
Whatever your age and fitness level, building and maintaining muscle is important
along with building general fitness and mobility.
Now is the time to begin.
and it's more serious than you think
We all lose muscle mass as we age – 5lbs (2.5kg) per decade. The fat goes on in its place so we often don't notice this until it's serious.
Muscle is crucial for every aspect of health! It turns out that muscle isn't just for moving us around - it also produces health promoting hormones. So more muscle strength is a health marker for every other symptom of aging. Look after your muscle tone, and you do much to look after your health also.
Muscle loss is reversible - but only with intense muscle training! Just walking or running isn't enough. Lifting weights, doing strength training to failure, or using resistance bands or body weight exercise all have been shown to reverse this. You can get strong again at any age!
Bone loss is also a huge problem. In the UK it is estimated that one in two women and one in five men aged over 50 will have an osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime. This increases your risk of falling and mortality.
The solution for osteoporosis is weight bearing exercise, stimulating bone to be recalcified. You can reverse osteoporosis - or its precursor - osteopenia.
"I can feel the power in my legs as never before; with stronger muscles I can bring myself into balance easier."
"My whole body is in a better shape.😊"
"I have visibly more tone in my arms, abdomen, and legs."
"What seemed impossible became possible!"
All sessions recorded so come in person or follow along in your own time.
Transform your awareness of AT work in stronger activity!
Body weight work (yoga / fitness / calasthenics-type exercises)
Kettlebells and free weights
Resistance bands
Cardio for the heart
Taking muscles to failure (Deep Fitness - for those who wish)
Hanging work
"My understanding of the myofascial lines deepened; and my knowledge on oppositional forces got clearer, so I can use my strength more efficiently."
"To my great surprise, I LOVE lifting weights with the pulls! I find it very calming and expanding."
"I am much more aware of the importance of good tone in the whole body and how to find it from deep inside."
Spatial awareness, embodiment, breath and stability are always primary to movement.
For total body engagement on every move, all moves are directed through the myofascial lines.
Each session focuses a set of directions and pulls
Every session includes Penelope's recent discoveries
We'll catch up on anatomy of the directions involved
Then wake up our directions with a warm-up flow
Then more challenging flows working cardio and strength
And finish with Deep Fitness work
We'll do fitness flows for Deep Fitness, Kettlebells, Resistance bands, and cardio workouts.
Plus FM's procedures as a fitness flow. Discover why those early teachers were so strong!
Every move can be taken at your own speed.
There will be options for all fitness levels, so you can do it at your level.
Get your questions answered.
"You model an anti-perfectionist mindset, - “just do what you can” - when you’re injured or ill."
"This course has been super-helpful. I can be more aware of my whole body when exercising. The anatomy info was key."
"After the sessions I feel more strength and confidence, physically AND psychologically. As a skinny person ’Im used to feeling rather vulnerable, soft and “delicate" so this has been extremely helpful."
and why this course came about!
Penelope Easten
(This may change as we progress)
Welcome to the AlexTech Fitness Course!
A few formal points: copyright stuff, medical disclaimer and privacy policy.
Your fitness goals and needs - please do this version or the Word version you got via email
Arm pulls and the biceps
Introduction to deep fitness work
Anatomy catch up - images
Finding hamstrings, and new discoveries of medial hamstrings
Anatomy catch up - images
Further stability from the psoas as we bend
Making a weekly plan for your exercise.
Muscles of the hands
Deep hip rotators - their anatomy and action.
The spiral line
Widening the neck and other discoveries
Structure of the foot
Ground reaction force link to body - image
All core muscles