A toolbox of effective and powerful techniques
for working online and hands-off with pupils and groups.
Since Covid 19 broke in March 2020, Alexander technique has increasingly been taught online, and with great success. This course is the most thorough that you will find to develop these new skills, empowering your pupils to work on themselves with all the core AT procedures and more. This was FM’s original way of working, with verbal directions and presence alone.
The course launched in March 2020 at the start of Covid 19. It preceded the publication of Penelope's book The Alexander Technique, Twelve Fundamentals of Integrated Movement, and teaches about half of the book's content. Since the book launched in March 2021, most people now join the Book Study Club course, which works systematically through the whole book. But this course is still available to buy for those who want to study alone.
Not so confident in English? Then this may be the course to choose. You can use sub-titles for the videos, and Google translate for the accompanying notes, and take the study completely at your own speed. Participants also report that their English improved too!
In this ten module online course with Penelope Easten
To build confidence in teaching online with tested techniques to use with your students
Techniques to help you embody and connect across the ether
With a private Facebook group and email support to answer your questions, and practice exchanges
You will develop and sharpen:
your observation skills
your clarity of intent of what is needed in this moment
your ability with words to direct the pupil and bring about change
your ability to stay present and deeply connected to the pupil
to dialogue with pupils enabling them to discover the technique for themselves
Right now, we need a toolbox of tested techniques that work online. Most of us have only learnt hands-on work in our trainings, because that is what has come down to us as ‘the technique’. But I believe that there was much more to the technique than we are currently taught, and this older technique is more suited to our current needs.
My work all springs from my lessons with Miss Goldie. She was passionate in preserving the principles FM Alexander taught her over their thirty years of close association. Her work was based on ideas and methods that often predated the first training course and the modern Alexander technique that came out of that.
In this course:
In each module, learn user-friendly techniques you can use straight away with your pupils, and that they can then use for themselves at home
Learn to theme lessons, giving lively, varied and interesting lessons, and keep your pupils wanting to learn more
You will gain a much greater toolkit for whatever pupils throw at you
Deepen your knowledge of the functional anatomy and new science behind AT procedures – modern pupils need to understand, and so do we. Alexander abandoned this way of teaching partly because he could not always get his pupils to understand, not surprisingly because the full explanations have only recently become available.
We will discover
- Why FM and Miss Goldie almost only worked with the chair, working much more with the torso than is now done - and the functional anatomy and neurology that underlies this;
- How to bring the pupil to quiet without using hands, so they are open to new experiences;
Finding natural breathing - brilliant for opening tight spines, and accessing muscles that have gone off-line;
How we are evolved to self-organise: How to teach the pupil direct access to the self-organising power of the nervous system,
- to free our necks
- stay toned and strong
- to recruit innate movement patterns such as a free neck and 'monkey' bending.
- How to make stronger self-pulls that were probably taught on the first training course and subsequently watered down, to open habitually tight muscles and bring in greater lengthening and widening for oneself.
- Plus how to teach spatial awareness while on a computer!
Through all this, you will learn how to resonate with the pupil to connect at a deeper level, potentially making lessons even more satisfying to you and to them.
Course delivery:
Each module will have three or four video lessons, totaling an hour or so of teaching, in which you explore the material in real time.
Accompanying each are full course notes to download, and separate downloads of the images used that you can share with your own pupils
Each module, there are one or two full lesson videos of Penelope teaching this material to new pupils, to see this material in action
A private Facebook group connects all AT teachers who are working with this material, allowing you to post comments and questions.
All participants have the option (highly recommended) be buddied with an exchange partner, for regular exchanges to explore the material together
Each module builds on the one before, so that you grow in understanding, confidence and skill. The first four modules will arrive at weekly intervals. The later modules will be at 10 day intervals to allow a little more time to play with the material and integrate it into your experience and practice.
Participants are also encouraged to explore these techniques straight away with their pupils, or practice pupils such as willing friends or family
Course curriculum
Module 1: Balance of the head
participant survey - please do this first! Thanks.
Please read these short notes first.
Lesson 1.1. Introduction and functional anatomy
Lesson 1.2. Freeing the neck.
Lesson 1.3. Finding the whole body bend.
Lesson 1.4. Laurence's first lesson. Freeing the neck.
Lesson 1.5: Madlen's first lesson
Lesson 1.6. How I give a first lesson online
Lesson 1.7. Practice Exchange for module 1.
Lesson 1.8: Partial falling squats
Bonus lesson: working with Alexander technique online. Pointers.
Module 2: Spatial awareness
Read these quick notes first please
Lesson 2.1: “The extended field of consciousness” and the right brain.
Lesson 2.2: Spatial awareness with 3D vision
2.3: Spatial awareness of self
Lesson 2.4. Spatial awareness of the body in semi-supine.
2.5: Laurence's second lesson. Spatial awareness
2.6: Madlen's second lesson
Lesson 2.7. Notes on how I give a second lesson.
2.8. Practice exchange for module 2.
Module 3: Opening and lifting the upper back
3.1: Our conception of ‘correct posture’.
Lesson 3.2: The primary and secondary curves of the body.
3.3: pull to the elbow. the back arm lines.
Lesson 3.4: Integrating the pull to the elbow from the brain.
3.5: Laurence's third lesson. Opening and lifting the upper back
3.6: Madlen's third lesson
Lesson 3.7. Giving a third lesson - general principles.
Lesson 3.8: practice exchange for module 3
More on why we use the sticks, and other frequently asked questions.
Module 4: opening and stabilising the lower body
4.1: Defining and finding the neutral pelvis.
4.2: Stabilising the base of the pelvis.
4.3: integrating the pulls
4.4. Full torso integration and elasticity.
4.5: Laurence's fourth lesson. Opening and stabilising the lower body
4.6: Madlen's fourth lesson
4.7: practice exchange for module 4
Module 5: Finding the natural breathing into the back
5.1: the front arm lines - activating the full arm
5.2: Introducing Natural breathing
5.3. letting the diaphragm organise the breath
5.4: integrating natural breathing with the pull to the elbow.
5.5: Laurence's fifth lesson. Finding natural breathing
5.6: madlen's fifth lesson
5.7: Practice exchange for module 5
Module 6: the thoracolumbar fascia and the strong back
6.1: sitting upright with strong self-supporting back.
6.2: Finding your own support while leaning back in the chair
6.3: The thoracolumbar fascia connects everything to everything.
6.4: finding the strong back in ‘Monkey’
6.5: Laurence's sixth lesson. The thoracolumbar fascia and the strong back
6.6: practice exchange
Module 7: Finding the psoas and active hip folding
7.1: experiencing the abdominal cavity with the breath
7.2: functional anatomy of the core abdominal muscles
7.3: finding tone in the psoas muscle.
7.4: using the psoas in chair work
7.5: Laurence's seventh lesson. Finding the psoas and active hip folding
7.6: practice exchange
Module 8: balance of feet and legs
8.1: the functional anatomy of the feet
8.2: finding the power of the foot.
8.3: alignment of the feet and the leg spirals.
8.4: sit to stand with balanced, toned legs.
8.5: Laurence's eighth lesson. Balance of feet and legs
8.6: practice exchange
Module 9: Lifting the torso up out of the hips
9.1: 'Screwing the ankle'
9.2: Pelvic lifts – lifting the torso up off the legs.
9.3: finding torque, and the power of walking.
9.4: Lifting arms above the head
9.5: Laurence's ninth lesson. Lifting the torso out of the hips
9.6: Practice exchange
Module 10: the embodied voice
10.1: The autonomic nervous system and the need for modulated voice
10.2: The whispered Ah with spatial awareness
10.3: speaking on the breath.
10.4: Speaking and communicating from the intelligence of the body.
10.5: Laurence's tenth lesson. The embodied voice
10.6: practice exchange
10.6: practice exchange
Penelope Easten

Penelope Easten
Emails received from online course participants

join me in this adventure of learning
This is the full Alexander technique, with all its original procedures and thinking, reframed for 21st century learning methods and understanding, to meet the needs of the modern pupil.
Q: Can people join in the course at any time?
A: Yes. Everyone joins at their own time. We will aim to pair people for exchanging who start around the same time, or with a previous participant who want to review the course.
Q: Can I work with a friend?
A: Many AT teachers or trainees have joined the course with a colleague, and then worked through the material together. You can also have a colleague or friend as your practice pupil and work through teaching it to them.
Q: Are there fixed hours to do the course?
A: Not at all. You can watch the videos at any time to suit you.
Q: What happens if I get behind the course delivery system?
A: You will get access to each module weekly initially and then at 10 day intervals. However you will always retain access after the course ends, so if you slip behind this schedule you can work through the material in your own time.
Q: What happens if I do not understand something?
A: You can always ask questions in the Facebook group, or if needed, by email. If you need observational feedback, you can post videos of yourself doing a procedure for comments on the Facebook group.
Q: Can I download the videos?
A: No, the videos can only be watched through the course platform. However the course notes and anatomy drawings can be downloaded.
Q: Will I lose access to the videos when I finish the course?
A: No - access is for life. You can always go back in and watch again.