Twelve Fundamentals
Book Study Club
with Penelope Easten
For teachers and students of:
Alexander technique, yoga, Pilates, Feldenkrais,
movement therapies, tai chi and martial arts,
runners, swimmers and athletes, riders, golfers, skiers,
sports and fitness people,
musicians and singers, actors, performers and dancers,
somatic therapists, massage therapists and physios,
and anyone who wants optimal movement patterns.
This is more than just another book! There are seven bold new concepts that underlie truly integrated movement
This book gives you new tools to explore and understand them - take your experience of movement to a different level
Don't just read about these revolutionary techniques. Learn to live them and teach them to others
The club gives you ongoing support as you absorb and explore the book
Attain greater expertise, a strong springy body and calm, confident presence
Learn to live the Alexander technique
Develop your self-work and authentic voice
Refine your teaching
Ask for the recording if you missed it.
There will be another introductory seminar in September
Email us at [email protected] to book your place
3 minute video about the Book Study Club
Live seminar every two weeks to support your learning
Ask all your questions, discuss the ideas and clarify your understanding
Work through the explorations live in the seminars with Penelope
Get practical guidance and coaching on doing or teaching the explorations
Connect with other readers and explorers
All sessions are recorded on a secure link, sent to all club members
Attend in person or watch the recording later
Be matched with a study buddy to work through the explorations together
Improve your functional anatomy knowledge
Assess your understanding of each chapter with quizzes and questionnaires
Join the private Facebook group for sharing and questions
Share in Penelope's latest discoveries, thoughts and tips
“The book club is a great way of focusing on the material and putting it into practice in a more disciplined way. Penelope always takes time to answer all questions and untangles any misunderstandings in a kind and precise manner. Love being part of this book club and would recommend it to everyone who has bought the book!” Marja Bennett, Sweden
How to find your quiet presence to enable deep change.
Find your natural breathing - brilliant for opening tight spines and accessing muscles that have gone off-line.
How to find direct access to the self-organising power of the nervous system
Learn how to unlock your own habitually tight muscles
Plus discover how not to get drawn into your computer!
Discover and practice a new way of working with your students or clients
The book is a toolbox of proven techniques that work, in person and online, with individuals and groups. Use it to form the basis of a whole course of study for your students, or a wealth of tips to draw on for specific issues.
By mastering these techniques for yourself, you can confidently deliver to your paying clients. You will hone your skills by working with your study buddy and practice students. This gives an opportunity to play with the techniques and find your own way of using them.
Using these skills you can discover a deeper resonance with students and clients, making sessions more satisfying for you both.
Deepen your understanding of the core principles behind hands-on and hands-off work
Learn to guide others through these self-help procedures – invaluable for hands-off work with individuals or groups
Your pupils will finish each lesson understanding what they have learnt and able to apply it for themselves
Have more tools and procedures at your fingertips
Learn better observation skills
Increase your clarity of intent of what is needed in any moment
Improve your verbal guidance skills
Find your embodied voice for better communication and trust
Enhance your ability to stay present and deeply connected to the pupil
Develop your dialogue with pupils enabling them to discover the technique for themselves
Option to work towards a certificate in this way of working.
Exclusive opportunity to purchase video series of Penelope teaching these techniques to pupils.
Welcome to the Book Study Club!
A few formal points: copyright stuff, medical disclaimer and privacy policy.
Short introductory survey - please do this first. Word version
Short introductory survey - please do this first. Pages version.
CE credits and completion certificates as you work through the Book Study Club
Optional certification process
Contents - list of supplementary material
Chapter 2 Quick Quiz
Questionnaire for Chapter 2 - assess your deeper understanding
Chapter 3 Quick Quiz
Questionnaire for chapter 3 - assess your deeper understanding
Practice exchange and teaching tips for chapter 3, and for working in person and online.
Anatomy challenges : the superficial back and front lines
Chapter 4 Quick Quiz
Questionnaire for chapter 4 - assess your deeper understanding
Practice exchange and teaching tips for chapter 4
Anatomy challenge: the brain/body intelligence network
Chapter 5 Quick Quiz
Questionnaire for chapter 5: assess your deeper understanding
Chapter 6 Quick Quiz
Questionnaire for chapter 6: assess your deeper understanding
Anatomy challenges, respiration
Anatomy challenges - the thoracolumbar fascia and the abdominal cavity
Anatomy challenges - the answers
Practice exchange and teaching tips for chapter 6
The revised lower body pulls (Mini-video course, video 1)
Frequently asked questions about the pulls (Mini-video course, handout)
Updated historical facts for Chapter 7
Chapter 7 text changes. Directions for revised pulls in the explorations, plus textual additions
Practice exchange and teaching tips for chapter 7, and more on unity line and the sticks
Chapter 7 Quick Quiz
Questionnaire for chapter 7: assess your deeper understanding
4 anatomy challenges
Anatomy challenge - body geometry points
Answers to all anatomy challenges for chapter 7
The revised pulls and the leg spirals (Mini-video course, video 2)
Chapter 8 Quick Quiz
Questionnaire for chapter 8: assess your deeper understanding
Practice exchange and teaching tips for chapter 8
Anatomy challenge - feet and deep hip rotators
Anatomy challenge - the hip laterals, and the spiral and lateral lines
Anatomy challenge answers
Deep hip rotators - their anatomy and action
Chapter 9: Quick Quiz
Questionnaire for chapter 9: assess your deeper understanding
Practice exchange and teaching tips for chapter 9
Anatomy challenge - the front and back arm lines and the thoracic muscles
Bonus material - the intrinsic muscles of the hand, notes and anatomy challenge NEW
Anatomy challenge - the bones and joints of the shoulder girdle, and the functional line
Anatomy challenge answers
Arm pulls and the biceps
Chapter 10 Quick Quiz
Questionnaire for chapter 10: assess your deeper understanding
Practice exchange and teaching tips for chapter 10
Anatomy challenge - the deep front line
Further stability from the psoas as we bend - new ideas
Revised pulls for chapter 11 explorations
Chapter 11 Quick Quiz
Questionnaire for chapter 11: assess your deeper understanding
Practice exchange and teaching tips for chapter 11
Anatomy challenge - deep front line in leg
Posterior sling of body - image
New thoughts on walking (9th July 2023)
Chapter 12. Revised pulls in the explorations, plus textual additions
Chapter 12 Quick Quiz
Questionnaire for chapter 12: assess your deeper understanding
Practice exchange and teaching tips for chapter 12
Anatomy challenge - ribcage models
Anatomy challenge - ribcage models - the answers
Anatomy challenges- back arm lines and spiral lines in upper body & neck
More thoughts on shoulders
Revised pulls for the explorations, and text additions for chapter 13
Chapter 13 Quick Quiz
Questionnaire for chapter 13: assess your deeper understanding
Practice exchange and teaching tips for chapter 13
Further stability from the psoas as we bend - new ideas
Chapter 14 Quick Quiz
Questionnaire for chapter 14: assess your deeper understanding
Practice exchange and teaching tips for chapter 14
2 Anatomy challenges - muscles of the neck
The neck: new discoveries and further thoughts
Exploring the muscle layers of the neck - NEW
The three layers of the upper Deep Front Line from Myers
Questionnaire for chapter 15: assess your deeper understanding
Chapter 15 Quick Quiz
Practice exchange and teaching tips for chapter 15
Questionnaire for chapter 16: assess your deeper understanding
Chapter 16 Quick Quiz
Practice exchange and teaching tips for chapter 16
Questionnaire for chapter 17: assess your deeper understanding
Chapter 17 Quick Quiz
Practice exchange and teaching tips for chapter 17
Questionnaire for chapter 18: assess your deeper understanding
Chapter 18 Quick Quiz
Penelope Easten
“Penelope Easten’s book is brilliantly conceived and presented and I have found the ideas in it to be transformative, allowing me personally to make sense of the Alexander Technique in exciting new ways. If her book resonates with you, I cannot recommend her online book study group highly enough. Penelope runs the sessions superbly and always with her characteristic warmth, good nature and keen listening skills, answering any and all questions, whether they are about concepts from the book or teaching her approach to our students.” Larry Young, USA
Q: When can I next join a group?
A: The next group will begin on Monday 13th May 2024
Q: When will seminars happen for this group?
A. On alternate Mondays at 5pm UK time
Q. How do I sign up?
A. Email p[email protected] to register your place, then you will be prompted to sign up in early May.
Q: Do I need to be there in person?
A: You can attend in person or watch the recording after.
Q. How long will seminars go on for?
A. Each seminar is 90 minutes long. So for UK time, they will be 5.00-6.30pm
Q. What times will this be in other time zones?
Q: Are there fixed hours to do the course?
A: Not at all. The only set times will be the online seminars (on zoom ) but those will be recorded for those who cannot attend in person.
Q: Can people join the course at any time?
A: In general, each study group begins together, though it is possible to join within a few weeks of the group's first seminar and catch up. In general, new study groups will form twice a year, in September/October and January/February. Please email Penelope to register interest in the next group forming.
Q: Do I get access to all the club curriculum at once?
A: The learning support is on a drip schedule of two or three weeks for each chapter so the material becomes successively available to you. This is to encourage you to explore each chapter fully and take time to play with it with your study buddy and practice pupil before moving on.
Q: What happens if I get behind? Now life is opening up again it has become much busier.
A: As long as you are subscribed to the club you have access to the material. So if you slip behind this schedule you can work through the material in your own time. If you store the seminar recording links there is no time limit to this.
Q: What happens if I do not understand something?
A: Bring all your questions to the seminars to discuss them with Penelope and the other participants. If you need support between seminars you can ask questions in the private Facebook group which often results in a lively discussion. Where needed for a private matter you can email Penelope directly. You can also post videos of yourself doing a procedure on the Facebook group for constructive comments and help.
Q: Will it run every other Monday all year round?
A: We will take a two week break in early August and two weeks at Christmas.
Loving your Book club! So well organised and with wonderful resources and support! Thank you for sharing your in-depth studies and experience. You are a wonderful listener and are able to communicate and help people whatever is thrown at you... and with no judgement... really admirable! Kay Cady